Give Light









GIVE LIGHT showcases the voices of Indigenous midwives from five continents as they relate their life stories and discuss the joys and challenges of their profession, interwoven with testimony from medical anthropologists, historians and Western midwives and doulas. The film looks at the state of childbirth around the world and explores the fundamental question: Are Indigenous midwifery traditions dying out due to the persuasions of modern medical treatments or could a revival of midwifery actually offer far better birth outcomes and far more meaningful rites of passage in many parts of the world? (Directed by Steph Smith). GIVE LIGHT brings the voices of the Indigenous midwife to the maternity care dialogue. It poses the question, “Why are the benefits of traditional midwife practices absent in most modern maternity care options? Organizations and Individuals committed to quality maternity care for families, midwifery and doula services, reproductive health and rights are invited to contact the film team at to be a special guest at the October 9th, or 10th events and learn more about screening the film in their community and how to become an GIVE LIGHT SOCIAL IMPACT PARTNER/SPONSOR. Visit GIVELIGHT.INFO to learn more about the film


Tickets will be available very soon.